
学习强国:双语鉴赏 |“瓷”旧迎新,五彩潇湘:釉下五彩狐狸鹅群瓷

发布时间:2022-02-15 作者:王丽虹 尹铂淳 王坤 责任编辑:宣传部 浏览次数: 来源:学习强国



Liling porcelain is best known for its underglaze five-coloured porcelain. The porcelains are usually painted in quite elegant colours. With only two simple colours, the underglaze five-coloured fox and geese porcelain vase gives a vivid depiction of the animals. It is currently kept in the Hunan Provincial Museum.

釉下五彩狐狸鹅群瓷  图片来源:湖南省博物馆官网

图片源自 湖南省博物馆官网


The body of the vase depicts a fox that lies in ambush outside a fence and tries to attack the geese. The overall colour is depicted in grey and black. However, the different expressions and movements of the geese and the fox are still able to be seen. The fox stares at the geese with greed, and his claws even break a stick. But the geese seem to be not afraid because of the fence. They still are happy and playing together.




The porcelain painting of the work vividly reflects the painter's superb painting skills, especially the eyes of the fox. From the eyes, we can feel the fox’s desire to eat the geese at the moment. The whole drawing is lifelike. Therefore, the porcelain has a high collection value.

来源:学习强国 2022.02.14



审核:肖 雄